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Mayor David Holt to Receive New Upward Transitions’ “Inspiring Hope” Award

Upward Transitions is delighted to bestow the first-ever “Inspiring Hope” award to Mayor David Holt.

The “Inspiring Hope” award recipient embodies a phrase from the Upward Transitions’ mission statement – “inspiring hope with our neighbors”, especially those experiencing homelessness and housing instability.

When Upward Transitions surveys our clients after their work with us, the last question on the survey is, “Are you feeling more hopeful?” An extremely high number of people respond they are feeling more hopeful after visiting Upward Transitions, and the board of directors and staff are extremely proud of that achievement.

The recipient of this new award joins Upward Transitions in infusing hope into the Oklahoma County community and empowers our community by making individuals or organizations stronger and more confident through inspiring a greater sense of hope.

Mayor Holt took office in April of 2018 as Oklahoma City’s 36th Mayor after being elected with 78.5 percent of the vote. It was the largest vote percentage achieved by a non-incumbent candidate for Mayor since 1947, and it made Holt the youngest Mayor of Oklahoma City since 1923, the first Native American mayor of Oklahoma City, and at the time of his election, the youngest mayor of a U.S. city with more than 500,000 residents. Mayor Holt’s “One OKC” message reflects his belief that Oklahoma City can continue to thrive only if we set aside the things that divide us and find common purpose.

In his second year in office, Mayor Holt recorded his signature achievement, shepherding the development and successful passage of MAPS 4, an ambitious, nearly $1 billion package that will address 16 critical challenges and opportunities.

Upward Transitions believes that Mayor Holt brings hope to the community through his spirit of unity, his commitment to improving quality of life, and his ongoing effort for economic growth in the city.

“We are delighted to introduce, for the first time in 2020, the Upward Transitions’ “Inspiring Hope” Award,” said Upward Transitions CEO, Periann Pulliam. “We are thrilled that Mayor David Holt is the first recipient.”

Mayor Holt will be recognized at Upward Transitions’ annual event, “An American Tourist in Paris 2020” on May 15, 2020. The event, which takes place at Oklahoma City’s Historic Farmers Public Market, is Upward Transitions’ signature fundraising event to support their mission of ending generational poverty in Oklahoma County! For more information about the event, go to

Upward Transitions is an Oklahoma County non-profit that serves families and individuals who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, or stranded by providing case management and stabilizing resources to help meet basic social needs. To learn more about Upward Transitions, go to or contact Micah James, Director of Development and Public Relations at 405-232-5507 or

Help end generational poverty.