
Shelby: An Upward Transitions' Client Victory Story

Shelby has been sober for four years now.  She is recently married, is working as a cosmetologist, is attending college, has paid off her legal fines, and has custody of her children.

She experienced homelessness for 10 years and struggled with substance abuse from the age of only 12.  Her struggles with addiction as an adult caused her to lose custody of her children. 

She was referred to Upward Transitions by one of our community partners specializing in sober living. After getting sober, her next priority was to get her identification so that she could move forward and get back on her feet.

“Upward Transitions was huge because it helped me get identification to even proceed with services anywhere else.”

Her court cases were still pending, and she had active warrants.

“I was scared to even walk down the streets of Oklahoma City until I was able to get those taken care of, and I came in [to Upward Transitions] and I felt safe. I felt comfort – and very welcomed.”

When Shelby obtained her ID, Upward Transitions referred her to other community partners for more access to services to begin her journey of sobriety and gain emotional stability.  She soon enrolled at Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City to begin her education to obtain a drug and alcohol addiction counselor’s license.

She paid off all her fines and resolved her outstanding warrants, and then she regained custody of her children again.

When asked what she is most proud of, she responded, “My sobriety and this new life that I have been able to build. My life is so different now.”     

We at Upward Transitions are all very proud of you, Shelby!

Upward Transitions was able to assist Shelby and her family because of help from supporters like you.  Please donate today to empower someone in crisis to victory and success!

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